Verified USD Verified USD USDV
Verified USD Price (USDV) Rank #918 $ 0.996245 (USD) -0.25392%

Verified USD (USDV) price graph

What is Verified USD (USDV) ?

A native omnichain stablecoin backed 1:1 with tokenized short-term treasuries and repos, and pegged to the equivalent value of 1 US dollar.

What is the current price of Verified USD (USDV) ?

The recent Verified USD (USDV) price today is $0.996245 USD. We update our USDV to USD on frequent basis. The current Verified USD situation is down -0.25392% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #918. Verified USD has a circulating supply of 17,498,895.046964 USDV.