FlypMe FlypMe FYP
FlypMe Price (FYP) Rank #2,342 $ 0.050719 (USD) +0.30761%

FlypMe (FYP) price graph

What is FlypMe (FYP) ?

Flypme is the fastest and most private crypto-to-crypto exchange which doesn’t require any registration nor trust to trade. The only info needed to use the exchange is the user’s crypto address so that Flypme has the correct input and output. No trust is needed since Flypme doesn’t hold users’ funds.

What is the current price of FlypMe (FYP) ?

The recent FlypMe (FYP) price today is $0.050719 USD. We update our FYP to USD on frequent basis. The current FlypMe situation is up 0.30761% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #2342. FlypMe has a circulating supply of 16,932,115.09913687 FYP.