Keep Network Keep Network KEEP
Keep Network Price (KEEP) Rank #443 $ 0.127535 (USD) +1.93943%

Keep Network (KEEP) price graph

What is Keep Network (KEEP) ?

A keep is an off-chain container for private data. Keeps help contracts harness the full power of the public blockchain — enabling deep interactivity with private data. Keep Network aims to provide an off-chain “containers” — called keeps — that should keep private data safe from the public blockchain, thereby enabling smart contracts to maximize the full potential of blockchain tech without compromising on transparency or privacy. Keeps will be used to encrypt and store private data, and the keeps are to be protected by secure multi-party computation (sMPC) that allows generating, storing, encrypting and transmitting of data among different users.

What is the current price of Keep Network (KEEP) ?

The recent Keep Network (KEEP) price today is $0.127535 USD. We update our KEEP to USD on frequent basis. The current Keep Network situation is up 1.93943% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #443. Keep Network has a circulating supply of 549,716,300.2685891 KEEP coins and a max supply of 1,000,000,000.0 KEEP coins.