Kava.io Kava.io KAVA
Kava.io Price (KAVA) Rank #75 $ 0.818431 (USD) +1.78077%

Kava.io (KAVA) price graph

What is Kava.io (KAVA) ?

Kava is a cross-chain DeFi Hub for decentralized financial services and applications. The Kava DeFi Hub operates like a decentralized bank for digital assets connecting users with products like stablecoins, loans, and interest-bearing accounts so that they can do more and earn more with their digital assets.

What is the current price of Kava.io (KAVA) ?

The recent Kava.io (KAVA) price today is $0.818431 USD. We update our KAVA to USD on frequent basis. The current Kava.io situation is up 1.78077% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #75. Kava.io has a circulating supply of 998,324,264.0 KAVA.