Celo Dollar Celo Dollar CUSD
Celo Dollar Price (CUSD) Rank #668 $ 0.994954 (USD) -0.37055%

Celo Dollar (CUSD) price graph

What is Celo Dollar (CUSD) ?

Celo Dollars (cUSD) are a stable asset that follows the US Dollar. With cUSD you can share money faster, cheaper, and more easily on your mobile phone. cUSD is on the Celo blockchain and is ERC 20 compatible.

What is the current price of Celo Dollar (CUSD) ?

The recent Celo Dollar (CUSD) price today is $0.994954 USD. We update our CUSD to USD on frequent basis. The current Celo Dollar situation is down -0.37055% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #668. Celo Dollar has a circulating supply of 34,538,305.5379335 CUSD.